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Annual Sponsorship Opportunities

Celestial Level Sponsor – $1,000

Celestial Level Benefits:

  • Name and logo added to sponsor page on website
  • Named in one issue of monthly email update
  • Publicly thanked via social media channels
  • Invitation to a private member / donor night at the observatory
  • Tax deduction as allowed by law

Nebula Level Sponsor – $2,500

Nebula Level Benefits:

  • All of the above, plus:
  • 10 free tickets to a public star party of your choosing

Supernova Level Sponsor – $5,000

Supernova Level Benefits:

  • All of the above, plus:
  • Name included as part of one public program title (i.e. Public Star Party sponsored by [Sponsor Name])

Quasar Level Sponsor – $10,000+

Quasar Level Benefits:

  • All of the above, plus:
  • One private star gazing event at a location of your choosing (for up to 30 people)

For more information on Robert Ferguson Observatory sponsorship opportunities or to pose comments or questions, please contact Stephanie Derammelaere, Executive Director, at [email protected] or call 707-833-6979.

Looking for other ways to help? Try Corporate Sponsor, Donate, Donate Stock, Tax-Wise Giving, eScrip, Legacy Giving, RFO Needs list

Your donation is tax deductible! RFO is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Tax ID 47-0877393

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