To keep our expenses low, we are always looking for new or good-quality goods, services, equipment, program supplies, building materials, computers, software and more!

Today, we’re looking for:

Building Materials and Supplies, Computers, Cameras & Software


  • Deck replacement 
  • Deck construction labor
  • Smart TV for donor recognition
  • Propane delivery
  • Sewage pump out services
  • Signage design and materials
  • Janitorial supplies

Reach out to us for more ideas by emailing Stephanie Derammelaere, Executive Director, at [email protected] or by phone at 707-833-6979.

Looking for other ways to help? Try Corporate Sponsor, Donate, Donate Stock, Tax-Wise Giving, eScrip, Legacy Giving, RFO Needs list

Your donation is tax deductible! RFO is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Tax ID 47-0877393

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