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Museums for All: an initiative of the Institute of Museum and Library Services

The Robert Ferguson Observatory is a participant of the Museums for All initiative, a signature access program of the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), administered by the Association of Children’s Museums (ACM), to encourage people of all backgrounds to visit museums regularly and build lifelong museum-going habits.

The program supports those receiving food assistance (SNAP) benefits visiting the Robert Ferguson Observatory. With the presentation of a SNAP Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) card, visitors may attend a public star party for free for up to four people. Similar free and reduced admission is available to eligible members of the public at over 800 museums and related venues across the country. Museums for All is part of Robert Ferguson Observatory’s broad commitment to seek, include, and welcome all audiences.

Because of its relationship with Team Sugarloaf, the partners that manage Sugarloaf Ridge State Park, RFO is able to extend the Museums for All benefit to parking. EBT card holders will receive free parking in Sugarloaf Ridge State Park for the duration of the public star party.  

Please go to to register for free with an EBT card for an upcoming public star party.