Dear Members and Friends of RFO,
A big thanks to all the friends, members, and docents of the Robert Ferguson Observatory for all you have done for us this year. Some gave their time; others made cash contributions; and others purchased memberships. Thank you!
For those who are still thinking about donating to their favorite nonprofit this season, we hope you will consider supporting RFO this #GivingTuesday by contributing to our Annual Fund or by purchasing a membership for yourself, a family member or friend. They make great holiday gifts. Just click one of the links below to make your contribution or purchase your membership.

Traditionally, RFO serves about 10,000 residents of all ages annually, including outreach to schools, libraries, and youth organizations. We offer public star parties, special observing nights, classes, planet walk hikes, telescope training, Spanish-language events, and facilitate the Striking Sparks program which awards telescopes to young, aspiring astronomers. We also provide private event programs both at RFO and at off-site locations, which are great for business or family gatherings.
Please help us continue providing Sonoma County with Astronomy and STEM education by marking this holiday season with a gift to the Robert Ferguson Observatory. And remember, Annual Fund contributions are fully tax deductible!
We wish all our friends, members, and docents of RFO a joyous holiday season!

Chris Cable, Executive Director
P.S. Taking a Required Minimum Distribution from your IRA or 401k account this year? You can make a tax-free contribution to the Valley of the Moon Observatory Association, a 501(c)(3) certified organization. Send the check from your distribution to VMOA, PO Box 898, Glen Ellen, CA 95442. Our EIN# is: 47-0877393