Dear Members and Friends of RFO:
Please help us celebrate 24 years of making astronomy accessible to everyone in our community by contributing to Sonoma County’s own Robert Ferguson Observatory.
This has been a good year for the Robert Ferguson Observatory but also a challenging one. It has been a good year in that we are finally getting back to our usual slate of programs like Public Star Parties and Night Sky Classes, plus we created a free, monthly, online Speaker Series.
However, the last two years have been challenging due to multiple RFO facility closures and program cancellations because of the pandemic and the fires that came through Sugarloaf Ridge State Park, where we are located.
We are writing to you in the hope that you will consider helping us stay the course in this difficult environment by contributing to RFO’s Annual Fund. We need your help to come out of this a stronger organization.
Traditionally, RFO has served about 10,000 residents of all ages annually, including outreach to schools, libraries, and youth organizations. We offer public star parties, special observing nights, classes, Planet Walk hikes, telescope Training, Spanish-language events, and facilitate the Striking Sparks program which awards telescopes to young, aspiring astronomers. We also provide private event programs both at RFO and at off-site locations.
Please help us continue providing Sonoma County with Astronomy and STEM education by clicking on this link to contribute to our Annual Fund. And remember, your contribution is fully tax deductible!
Thank you! We hope to see you at our next public star party!
Chris Cable
Executive Director
P.S. Taking a Required Minimum Distribution from your IRA or 401k account this year? You can make a tax-free contribution to the Valley of the Moon Observatory Association, a 501(c)(3) certified organization. Send the check from your distribution to VMOA, PO Box 898, Glen Ellen, CA 95442. Our EIN# is: 47-0877393